Monday, February 8, 2010

Opposites tick!!

It was some time back when a friend of mine made me read an article in times life.. It was 'opposites tick'..... I still remember it had an example cited in it on how India's hottest couple.. John-Bipasha are opposites..

I am writing this today to bring out my point of view on the same........ Yes!! I do believe that opposites tick!!!!!!!!!

I'm a complete bookworm.. He likes practicalities better..
I love reading n writing.. He doesn't even read what i write..
I'm a veggie.. He loves his butter chicken...
I love playing soccer.. he cricket...
I like the sunset....... He likes the sunrise...
I like white.. He likes black..
I like to show-off a little.. He likes to keep it low profile...
I love to sing songs.. He loves to listen (but definitely not the ones tht i sing)..
I love to sleep until late.. He gets up early..
I love.. just romance in movies.. He loves horror n action..
I do all the talking.. He likes to keep it mum.. (n doesn't listen to me either)
I like sapodilla.. He loves apples..
I like plain chocolates.. He likes snickers..
I like chocolate pastries.. He likes pineapple..
I like the beach for a holiday.. He thinks a jungle safari is much better..
I like coke.. He likes sprite..
I like dogs over puppies.. Obviously, he likes it the other way round..
I like the piano.. He likes his guitar..

Gosh!! I think.. The whole day may end..
but the differences won't..

But guys!! You know what???? At the end of the day..
There's one thing common....
I say -- I love you..
n he says-- I love you too.....

and that my dear friends is the reason for being 'together'.......
It doesn't matter how different the choices are.. There's one choice that'll always remember the same... The choice of having chosen one another.. :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Inside Story! People around me..

Dear all, I'm writing this post after much thought.. I hope it teaches people a better way to live.. I'd be writing this post in first person point of view.. But that does not mean I am the character..Its just my way of telling a story.. What i'm writing is fictious.. N just a Thought of mine.. Thanks to pranoti n sowmya, for the encouragement.. though..

How many times have you felt like punching somebody's nose for lying over something and that to straight on your face?? I guess all of us have felt that someday.. But you as me.. never do it.. cuz we belong to a sophisticated society.. I have started to hate living in a world full of diplomats..

Everyone every times wants to be politically correct.. What for?? For petty things.. like.. important posts.. winning elections.. even getting jobs..and etc.. etc.. Oh God!! Does noone in the world have enough courage to be themselves?? Are they scared that they'd lose all positions, power once they stop being diplomatic??

Sound silly, doesn't it?? But I am able to see many such people do such things..But i can't take it.. Recently.. Chetan Bhagat issue.. I wil not comment on whether he was right or the film makers.. But there's something else i wanted to say.. A reporter was interviewing Mr. Bhagat.. When she sed-- "Chetan, the fimmakers are saying that the movie is just 2-5% of the book? please comment." To which CB replied--"madam, have you read the book?? please read it first and then ask this quesiton." The reporter immediately switched the topic.. Gosh!! I couldn't believe it.. What the hell.. How did that geek become a reporter?? She hadn't read India's top selling book.. N was interviewing its writer on someone else's comment.. Too much for me to handle.. Felt like I should tell her off if i meet her.. No matter how big a journalist she is..

some people are so used to all this.. that I can't believe it sometimes.. another incident will tel you what i mean..its morning time and Shravika sees a not so good friend of hers walking by.. shravika-- (with arms wide open) Hey Shonali.. kaisi hai yaar..(give her a hug) she walks away n Shravika saya-- Chee bey.. subah subah kiska chehra dekh liya??

One thing for all.. I say what I want to.. I say what i feel.. Always.. And there's one really important thing.. If I don't like something in someone.. I say it on his/her face.. N i say 'the same' behind their back too....... So if I've said good things bout you.. I'lll always say so.. no matter what..

I wish people were the same.. True.. Honest.. atleast to themselves.. But I pity them for not being so.. its their loss not mine.. Happy ditching to all for whom its a habit!

And for all those like me.. Get rid of these ppl yaar.. Its we who encourage such people to be like this.. tell them straight in their face.. that they're no good by being like this.. N throw them out of your lifes.. Once ditched is ditched.. No maafis for such people.. tabhi toh woh sudharenge yaar!!

My earnest appeal to all.. Please ignore them.. n don't give them any attention..You'll make this world a better place to live in..

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

End-sem dinner!!

Cold water running down the tap.. I open my facewash tube.. squeeze it n wash my face to give it the fresh look which it rightly deserved..

Huh!! Exams had just got over.. N i was surely delighted.. Its not easy becoming an engg... N yes!! Like any filmstar would proclaim the need of a much-needed holiday after the end of a project.. I too needed one after the end-sem..
As usual.. we had many plans.. all of us.. Pranoti, Sowmya, Renuka n me.. but its always hard to execute a single one..

So randomly.. We just decided that we must atleast make a start..We must mark the beginning of the holidays.. with an end-sem dinner!!

I thought we must go to Barbecue, Sowmya wanted Reds.. Renuka wanted Mustard.. n pranoti.. well.. she thought we shud go to Minerva.. Huh!! When there are four girls.. all headed in different directions.. North, south, east, west.. Plans do take a lot of time to fall into place..haha..

However.. Mustard was finalised! I dropped the phone down.. Washed my face again.. Pulled out a pair of jeans n a green-brown mix Polka dots top!! Put on a clutch to hold my hair together.. Wore my shoes.. N there.. I was ready..
Some time l8r.. Sowmya dropped in at my doorstep in her beautifully-red Chevrolet.. ( Can't tel you how jealous I am of her driving skills.. :P) We picked up the other two.. headed for a wonderful dinner.. (packed with gossip, ofcourse)

Wat's more?? Nothing.. This entire post might sound seemingly useless n overhyped to most of you.. But lemme tel you its an end-sem dinner I'd always remember.. Not bcoz of the ambience at the place.. or the delicious food.. But bcoz.. My 3 friends out there.. bothered to go out n spend time with me n the others.. as much as i did..

Conclusion-- The happiness of a timeout with friends lies.. not in the time beautifully spent.. but in remembering the pain n efforts taken by each one to make it possible..

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Gosh!! Do I have time??

Long time gone!! started with a fresh semester at college.. so just din find time for the blogging thing.. finding time is actually quite difficult these days..

Finding time for completing notes, journals.. finding time to move out n play.. to roll into a pillow n take a nice nap.. to hang out with friends.. to go and pay the bills.. to read my favourite novel.. to hear out a troubled friend.. to meet an old friend.. to call friends in other town.. to wish someone on a special day.. to go for a coffee with friends.. to go n eat pizza after many days.. to go shopping.. to go to the temple.. to go make a dessert.. to check my mails.. to write in here.. n on n on.. oof!! the list never seems to end...

You ppl out there feel the same?? no wonder if you do.. n if you don't, trust me.. either you get everything perfect or there's seriously something wrong with you.. cuz if you are having plenty of time on hand n absolutely nothing to do.. you sure are missing the fun!! cuz there's always something to do.. atleast one can hang out on facebook n take the (mostly pointless) quizzes there..

Okay..the point is how often do we think we don't have time for this or for that.. but most of us.. dun actually do anything other than brooding about it!! so ppl!! Today.. just take time out to do all that you've always wanted to..the craziest of things which you wanted to do but ayou always thought you didn't have time for it.. or you can go by a readymade plan that follows down here..

Grab your cellphone n text all those whom you've been longing to say "hi!".. go out n play with any of the kids you come across (enough of being a couch-potato).... call your buddies n just move out for a pizza n coffee.. on your way back home don't forget to pay bills, if any.. stop at any temple you come across n help an old-one climb the stairs.. call a friend, who you think is messing up his/her life by doing something goofy, n talk out all their trouble with them. If not much.. u'll atleast make them feel that you care.....
Meet an old friend go out shopping with them.. get home n make a nice dessert for your family.. check all your mails n reply to them..if people thought bout you while sending a mail (though a forwarded one and in sent in bulk to many) it means they took atleast a fraction of their time to do just spend a little of your own time n reply..then take a nap.. n on getting up do anything that you want to.. something that you've been longing to give your time to..then at night.. just open a book you'd been long waiting to read.. and read it!!

I'm sure all of you believe all this can be done in a day.. leaving sometime to do that one assignment as well for a class or job next day.. hardly a deal for a day that'll leave you content for days to come.. right??

so chalk out the day that is likely to be a little free than others n do all this!! LIVE IT!! this is how you should be living!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The best way out..

I dunno why.. but I think on very different lines when it comes to solving problems that surface each one in our everyday lives.. I just thought i'll share one such different thought in the form of a small, imaginary, narrative incidence..

The other day, the pressure at the workplace was building. Everyone was working to get the best out of their departments. Lots of people were working on varied things at the same place to get the show perfect.. Suddenly, a short argument broke out.. Short but a little intense.. Sam was almost done with his work.. he was tryin to experiment a little to get that perfect touch.. Sonny on the other hand was still working to complete her work and was getting disturbed by Sam's activities.. His chatter-batter seemed to bother her.. Completely unawares of what he was doing.. she gave him a good tell-off "hey, if you're done with your work.. pls let others work.. why the hell are you disturbing people with this nonsense??"

Sam was doing nothing but working.. So he argued back and tried to tell her he was not fooling around but was actually working.. No use.. None would listen..

Huh.. I guess such things happen all the time with quite a lot of us.. Two people.. Tensed atmosphere.. Both unable to understand each other and the problem.. Reason?? Well.. NO reason at all.. Just a misunderstanding..

Both could not understand each other's behaviour then.. Maybe the workload had just got a little intense for the gal..

That day, Sam thought to himself.."What had gone wrong with an always good relationship?" Soon he realised.. Nothing.. Nothing had gone wrong unless he thought it had..
(The better way out-- Forgive and forget..
The best way out-- Understand and forget..)

We can forgive and forget when the other person is at fault.. But maybe sometimes its just that the situation was wrong and nobody else?? At such a time whom to forgive??
The answer is none..

In such times, the best way out is.. Firstly, understand-- that it is noone's fault.. and secondly, forget-- the bitter moments.. Afterall.. It's our choice.. We are the ones who choose what to live with.. the bitter or the sweeter of the moments in life...

I might sound way too philosophical and immpractical.. But this is something i have been able to cultivate as a habit.. gussa toh sabko aata hai.. mujhe bhi aata hai.. bahut aata hai.. par main bhoolna bhi seekh gayi hu.. (everyone gets angry.. even i do.. but i've learnt to forget..)

N trust me people.. Its really easy.. N life's far better this way!! I'm loving it this way.. Oh yeah!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

friend connects..

life's full of loads of ppl.. but more than many times i realise its actually a small world.. i tend to think God clusters ppl of the same kind together.. i have many friends whose friends are friends of my other friends.. friend1 and friend2 might not noe each other.. but then they do have a real good no. of common friends..

its damn interesting when u noe about such weird friend connects among two of your friends who you think dun noe each other.. for eg. sudeep is my friend from class 9th.. he's siddha's school friend.. amruta's colg friend.. pranoti's 12th clas friend.. pranoti is my colg friend.. siddha is my 12th class friend.. n so is amruta..

confusing, huh?? this is just one.. but these days i've found many such connects of many of my buddies.. its really amazing how ppl are part of the "web" of life..