Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Gosh!! Do I have time??

Long time gone!! started with a fresh semester at college.. so just din find time for the blogging thing.. finding time is actually quite difficult these days..

Finding time for completing notes, journals.. finding time to move out n play.. to roll into a pillow n take a nice nap.. to hang out with friends.. to go and pay the bills.. to read my favourite novel.. to hear out a troubled friend.. to meet an old friend.. to call friends in other town.. to wish someone on a special day.. to go for a coffee with friends.. to go n eat pizza after many days.. to go shopping.. to go to the temple.. to go make a dessert.. to check my mails.. to write in here.. n on n on.. oof!! the list never seems to end...

You ppl out there feel the same?? no wonder if you do.. n if you don't, trust me.. either you get everything perfect or there's seriously something wrong with you.. cuz if you are having plenty of time on hand n absolutely nothing to do.. you sure are missing the fun!! cuz there's always something to do.. atleast one can hang out on facebook n take the (mostly pointless) quizzes there..

Okay..the point is how often do we think we don't have time for this or for that.. but most of us.. dun actually do anything other than brooding about it!! so ppl!! Today.. just take time out to do all that you've always wanted to..the craziest of things which you wanted to do but ayou always thought you didn't have time for it.. or you can go by a readymade plan that follows down here..

Grab your cellphone n text all those whom you've been longing to say "hi!".. go out n play with any of the kids you come across (enough of being a couch-potato).... call your buddies n just move out for a pizza n coffee.. on your way back home don't forget to pay bills, if any.. stop at any temple you come across n help an old-one climb the stairs.. call a friend, who you think is messing up his/her life by doing something goofy, n talk out all their trouble with them. If not much.. u'll atleast make them feel that you care.....
Meet an old friend go out shopping with them.. get home n make a nice dessert for your family.. check all your mails n reply to them..if people thought bout you while sending a mail (though a forwarded one and in sent in bulk to many) it means they took atleast a fraction of their time to do that..so just spend a little of your own time n reply..then take a nap.. n on getting up do anything that you want to.. something that you've been longing to give your time to..then at night.. just open a book you'd been long waiting to read.. and read it!!

I'm sure all of you believe all this can be done in a day.. leaving sometime to do that one assignment as well for a class or job next day.. hardly a deal for a day that'll leave you content for days to come.. right??

so chalk out the day that is likely to be a little free than others n do all this!! LIVE IT!! this is how you should be living!!

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