Wednesday, December 16, 2009

End-sem dinner!!

Cold water running down the tap.. I open my facewash tube.. squeeze it n wash my face to give it the fresh look which it rightly deserved..

Huh!! Exams had just got over.. N i was surely delighted.. Its not easy becoming an engg... N yes!! Like any filmstar would proclaim the need of a much-needed holiday after the end of a project.. I too needed one after the end-sem..
As usual.. we had many plans.. all of us.. Pranoti, Sowmya, Renuka n me.. but its always hard to execute a single one..

So randomly.. We just decided that we must atleast make a start..We must mark the beginning of the holidays.. with an end-sem dinner!!

I thought we must go to Barbecue, Sowmya wanted Reds.. Renuka wanted Mustard.. n pranoti.. well.. she thought we shud go to Minerva.. Huh!! When there are four girls.. all headed in different directions.. North, south, east, west.. Plans do take a lot of time to fall into place..haha..

However.. Mustard was finalised! I dropped the phone down.. Washed my face again.. Pulled out a pair of jeans n a green-brown mix Polka dots top!! Put on a clutch to hold my hair together.. Wore my shoes.. N there.. I was ready..
Some time l8r.. Sowmya dropped in at my doorstep in her beautifully-red Chevrolet.. ( Can't tel you how jealous I am of her driving skills.. :P) We picked up the other two.. headed for a wonderful dinner.. (packed with gossip, ofcourse)

Wat's more?? Nothing.. This entire post might sound seemingly useless n overhyped to most of you.. But lemme tel you its an end-sem dinner I'd always remember.. Not bcoz of the ambience at the place.. or the delicious food.. But bcoz.. My 3 friends out there.. bothered to go out n spend time with me n the others.. as much as i did..

Conclusion-- The happiness of a timeout with friends lies.. not in the time beautifully spent.. but in remembering the pain n efforts taken by each one to make it possible..